'Creating an accessible school for all is our aim, and it is also a moral cause. Educating diverse people to live and work well together is the most important act we carry out here, so much more important than exam grades or the latest sports results (as very good as those things are you might be pleased to hear!). In order for all of us to make our school accessible to all, we need our Foundation to raise money so that it can be given to the parents of pupils who otherwise would not even dream of joining us because finding school fees to join a better school than the one they are fated to attend is an impossibility.'
Toby Spence, Headmaster
The Wrekin College Foundation is about changing young lives.
We want to help more children achieve their ambitions no matter what their background or means. Funds raised will be used exclusively to provide financial support to those who need it most.
We are passionate about opening doors to those who will benefit but could not attend our school without financial assistance; if you would like to be part of their journey then please donate or get in touch with Andy Nicoll, Foundation Director, to find out more about how you can help change young lives development@wrekincollege.com
We are especially grateful to those members of our community who have pledged to make this most personal of gifts. If you are planning to leave a Legacy, we would be grateful if you could inform us, so we can ensure we honour your wishes and to express our gratitude to you.
Whether you wish to endow a Bursary, provide funds for a capital project, bestow an asset, or gift your stocks and shares, your bequest will be honoured and you will create a lasting legacy which will benefit future generations of Wrekinians and help contribute to the success of the School.
As a charity, a legacy or bequest to the Wrekin College Foundation (Charity Number 1103684) is exempt from Inheritance Tax (IHT). This means a gift to the School in your will could reduce your potential IHT liability. We always recommend you obtain the latest IHT advice from your professional advisor.
All legators automatically become members of The 1880 Society which exists to celebrate those who have remembered Wrekin in their wills, with additional updates, news and invitations to an event each summer to celebrate their commitment to the School.
If you would like to know more about leaving a gift to Wrekin in your will, please email development@wrekincollege.com and we will be in touch withyou. Or, if you would like to let us know that you have made, or are planning on making, a donation to Wrekin in your will, then please complete our Legacy Notification Form. Please beassured that any details you provide will be kept in the strictest confidence.