This is to notify you that the 2020 Annual General Meeting for the Old Wrekinian Association will
take place ‘virtually’ (due to Government restrictions) at 12.00 Noon on Sunday 28 th June 2020.
The meeting will be held as a “Zoom” conference.
1 Apologies
2 Minutes of AGM in 2019*
3 Matters Arising
4 Treasurer’s Report
5 Election of Officers
6 Election of Committee Members
7 AOB submitted by the Committee or from members in advance
If available. Due to isolation policies there may not be an opportunity to retrieve these.
1 If you would like to join this meeting, please submit your application to the Secretary
before Thursday 25 th June
2 If any member wishes for an item to be put on the agenda, they should Inform the
Secretary by Thursday 25 th June
3 We would very much like to see some new faces joining your Committee. If you have
enthusiasm to produce good ideas, have a small amount of time to help with the general
running of the Association and can spare the time to attend at least 2 out of the 4
committee meetings a year, please, please “take the plunge” and submit your name.
You will be very welcome and much appreciated. We think you would also find it quite
Michael de Weymarn